lundi 13 septembre 2010

Making drum hits (SoundForge)

How to get a good kick / hi hat / snare from a sample.

1. Isolate your kick drum.
2. Delete the end and apply a smooth fade to your kick (Process / Fade / Out).
3. Add a little Compression for the impact.
Effects / Dynamics / Graphic.
Choose Maximize Volume preset.

1. Isolate your snare sound.
2. Fade the end out.
3. Add some body with a reverb.
Effects / Reverb
Choose the Warm Ambiance preset.
Set Dry to 0 and Reverb to about 25.8 db.
4. Normalize at -0.30 db.
5. EQ Paragraphic : enable Low Shelf at 150.
6. Normalize at -0.30 db again.
7. Add some compression.
Effects / Dynamics / Graphic.
Choose Maximize Volume preset.

jeudi 9 septembre 2010

Awesome Advanced Thor Techniques (Reason 4)

Shows how to build Lead Synth + Bass + Athmospheric Synth with Reason Thor.

Lead Synth :
2 Phase Mod Osc + Formant Filter + Comb Filter
Bass : 2 FM Pair Osc + Amp gain.
Athmospheric Synth : 2 Wavetable Osc + State Variable Filter + Amp gain.

This track sucks (...) but that's a great tutorial.

jeudi 2 septembre 2010

Marco Polo (MPC 2000XL + MPD 24)

The method shown here by Marco Polo is inspired by Pete Rock works. Polo uses a large number (6 ?) of songs to build his own track. "It takes time but it makes all the difference"...